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Peer-reviewed papers from the Ervin Lab​​

Keybondori, S., A. Deljouei, A. Lázaro-Lobo; G. N. Ervin, Z. Shakeri, V. Etemad, S. A. Borz, E. Abdi. 2023. Effect of forest roadside on vegetation characteristics in the Hyrcanian temperate forest. Transportation Research Part D 142: 455-473.

Lázaro-Lobo, A., A. Paulson, M. A. Lashley, and G. N. Ervin. 2023. Life History Traits of Exotic and Native Species Determine Grassland Management Outcomes Following Prescribed Fire. Ecological Restoration 41: 34-43.

Schmid, S. A., G. Turnage, and G. N. Ervin. 2023. Rare Production of Seeds by Invasive Alternanthera philoxeroides (Alligator Weed) in North America Observed in Terrestrial Populations. Wetlands 43:12.

Turnage, G., Lázaro-Lobo, A., B. Blassingame, O. Robinson, K. Calhoun, and G. N. Ervin. 2023. American frogbit response to herbicides. Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 61:11-14.

Zhang, B., L. Zhai, G. N. Ervin, and D. R. Coyle. 2023. Effective and timely use of models to inform on-the-ground management of invasive plants. Biological Invasions 25: 2089-2102.


Ervin, G. N. 2022. Eight Billion People on a Wet Rock: Mitigating the threat of eutrophication for sustainable use of water resources. EBSCO Pathways to Research in Sustainability SUS066, [s. l.], p. 1–16, 2022.

Shoemaker, C.M., L. E. Wallace, C. P. Brooks, E. W. DiOrio, and G. N. Ervin. 2022. Impacts of nitrogen and sediment on restored wetland plant assemblages from an agricultural landscape. Wetlands 42: 85.


Lázaro-Lobo, A., ~20 collaborators, and G. N. Ervin. 2021. Phenotypic differentiation among native, expansive, and introduced populations influences invasion success. Journal of Biogeography DOI: 10.1111/jbi.14252


Lázaro-Lobo, A., C. Ramirez-Reyes, R. D. Lucardi, and G. N. Ervin. 2021. Multivariate analysis of invasive plant species distributions in southern US forests. Landscape Ecology DOI: 10.1007/s10980-021-01326-3


Lázaro-Lobo, A. and G. N. Ervin. 2021. Wetland invasion: A multi-faceted challenge during a time of rapid global change. Wetlands 41:64 (Invited review).


Lázaro-Lobo, A., R. Lucardi, C. Ramirez-Reyes, and G. N. Ervin. 2021. Region-wide assessment of fine-scale associations between invasive plants and forest regeneration. Forest Ecology and Management 483: 118930.


​Lázaro-Lobo, A. and G. N. Ervin. 2021. Native and exotic plant species respond differently to ecosystem characteristics at landscape vs local scales. Biological Invasions  DOI: 10.1007/s10530-020-02361-y


Lázaro-Lobo, A., K. O. Evans, and G. N. Ervin. 2020. Evaluating landscape characteristics of predicted hotspots for plant invasions. Invasive Plant Science and Management  DOI: 10.1017/inp.2020.21


Lázaro-Lobo, A., M. Herrera, J. A. Campos, L. Caño, E. Goñi, and G. N. Ervin. 2020. Influence of local adaptations, transgenerational effects and changes in offspring's saline environment on Baccharis halimifolia L. under different salinity and light levels. Environmental and Experimental Botany  DOI: 10.1016/j.envexpbot.2020.104134 


Lucardi, R. D., L. E. Wallace, and G. N. Ervin. 2020. Patterns of genetic diversity in highly invasive species: Cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica) expansion in the invaded range of the southern United States (US). Plants 9: 423;


Shoemaker, C. and G. N Ervin. 2020.  Factors at multiple scales influence recruitment from herbaceous wetland seed banks in the lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Wetlands.


Lázaro-Lobo, A. and G. N. Ervin. 2019. A global examination on the differential impacts of roadsides on native vs. exotic and weedy plant species. Global Ecology & Conservation, e00555.  


Carter, C., J. D Madsen, and G. N. Ervin. 2018. Effects of initial propagule size and water depth on Butomus umbellatus L. growth and vegetative propagation. Aquatic Botany 150: 27-32.   ​


Yates, K. L., P. J. Bouchet, …G. N. Ervin…et al. 2018. Outstanding challenges in the transferability of ecological models. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 33: 790-802. (Ervin was an invited co-author on this project.) 


Shoemaker, C. M., G. N. Ervin, and E. L. DiOrio. 2017. Interplay of water quality and vegetation in restored wetland plant assemblages from an agricultural landscape. Ecological Engineering 108: 255-262.   ​


Fleming, K. S., R. M. Kaminski, M. L. Schummer, K. D. Nelms, G. N. Ervin, and T. E. Tietjen. 2015. Species richness and density of wintering ducks on wetlands reserve program easements in Mississippi. Wildlife Society Bulletin 39: 310-318.  


Marsico, T. D., K. E. Sauby, C. P. Brooks, M. E. Welch, and G. N. Ervin. 2015. Phylogeographic evidence for a Florida Panhandle-Peninsula discontinuity in the distribution of Melitara prodenialis Walker (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) Walker, a native cactus-boring moth. Insect Conservation and Diversity, DOI 10.1111/icad.12115.  ​


Lucardi, R. D., L. E. Wallace, and G. N. Ervin. 2014. Evaluating hybridization as a potential facilitator of successful Cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica) invasion in Florida, USA. Biological Invasions 16: 2147-2161.  ​


Lucardi, R. D. , L. E. Wallace, and G. N. Ervin. 2014. Invasion success in cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica): a population genetic approach exploring genetic diversity and historical introductions. Invasive Plant Science and Management 7: 59-75.  


Brooks, C. P., B. H. Lambert, K. E. Sauby, G. N. Ervin, L. Varone, and G. A. Logarzo.  2014. Larval morphology and host use confirms ecotypic variation in Cactoblastis cactorum (Berg). Biological Invasions 16: 13-22.   ​


Brooks, C. P., G. N. Ervin, L. Varone, and G. Logarzo. 2012. Native ecotypic variation and the role of host identity in the spread of an invasive herbivore, Cactoblastis cactorum (Berg). Ecology 93: 402-410.  


​Ervin, G​​​​​​​​​. N. 2012. Indian fig cactus (Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Miller) in the Americas: An uncertain history. Haseltonia 17: 70-81.​​​​​​​​​​​  ​

Fleming, K. S., R. M. Kaminski, T. E. Tietjen, M. L. Schummer, G. N. Ervin, and K. D. Nelms. 2012. Vegetative forage quality and moist-soil management on wetlands reserve program lands in Mississippi. Wetlands.  DOI: 10.1007/s13157-012-0325-5 


Neal, D. M., B. S. Baldwin, G. N. Ervin, R. L. Jolley, J. N. J. Campbell, M. Cirtain,  J. Seymour, and J. W. Neal. 2012. Assessment of seed storage alternatives for rivercane (Arundinaria gigantea).  Seed Technology 34: 119-126.​​​​​​​​​​​  


Sauby, K. E., T. D. Marsico, G. N. Ervin, and C. P. Brooks. 2012. The role of host identity in determining the distribution of the invasive moth Cactoblastis cactorum (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in Florida.  Florida Entomologist 95: 561-568.  


​Woodard, A. M., T. D. Marsico, and G. N. Ervin. 2012. Host plant defense priming in response to a coevolved herbivore combats introduced herbivore attack. Ecology and Evolution, online only; DOI: 10.1002/ece3.224​​​​​​​​​​​  


Ervin, G. N. and D. C. Holly. 2011. Examining local transferability of predictive species distribution models for invasive plants: An example with cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica). Invasive Plant Science and Management 4: 390-401.  ​


Marsico, T. D., L. E. Wallace, G. N. Ervin, C. P. Brooks, J. E. McClure, and M. E. Welch. 2011. Geographic patterns of genetic diversity from the native range of Cactoblastis cactorum (Berg) support the documented history of invasion and multiple introductions for invasive populations. Biological Invasions 13: 857-868. 


Mills. M. C., B. S. Baldwin, and G. N. Ervin. 2011. Evaluating physiological and growth responses of Arundinaria species to inundation. Castanea 76: 395-409.​​​​​​​​​​​ 


Bried, J. T. and G. N. Ervin. 2010. Randomized intervention analysis for detecting non-random change and management impact: Dragonfly examples. Ecological Indicators 11: 535-539. 


Bryson, C. T., L. J. Krutz, G. N. Ervin, K. N. Reddy, and J. D. Byrd, Jr. 2010. Ecotype variability and edaphic characteristics for cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica) populations in Mississippi. Invasive Plant Science and Management 3: 199-207.


Ervin, G. N. 2009. Using GAP data in invasive plant ecology and management. US Geological Survey Gap Analysis Bulletin 16: 34-41. 


Ervin, G. N.  2009.  Distribution, habitat characteristics, and new county-level records of Baccharis halimifolia L. on a portion of its present US range boundary Southeastern Naturalist 8: 293–304.


Holly, D. C., G. N. Ervin, C. R. Jackson, S. V. Diehl, G. T. Kirker. 2009. Effect of an invasive grass on ambient rates of decomposition and microbial community structure: A search for causality. Biological Invasions 11: 1855-1868.


Ervin, G. N.  2008.  Applying the state-of-the-art to advance the state of our understanding in integrated hydrophyte ecology. Verhandlungen Internationale Vereinigung für theoretische und angewandte Limnologie (Proceedings of the International Society of Theoretical and Applied Limnology) 30: 128-132.​​​​​​​​​​​

Majure, L.C. and G. N. Ervin. 2008. The Opuntia (Cactaceae) of the state of Mississippi, United StatesHaseltonia 14: 111-126.


Bried, J. T, B. D. Herman, and G. N. Ervin.  2007.  Conservation umbrella potential of wetland plants and dragonflies: a quantitative case study using the Umbrella Index.  Journal of Applied Ecology 44: 833-842.


Bried, J. T. and G. N. Ervin.  2007.  Intraspecific models and spatiotemporal context of size–mass relationships in adult dragonflies.  Journal of the North American Benthological Society 26: 680-692.


Ervin, G. N.  2007.  An experimental study on the facilitative effects of tussock structure among wetland plants. Wetlands 27: 620-630.


Holly, D. C. and G. N. Ervin.  2007.  Effects of intraspecific seedling density, soil type, and light availability upon growth and biomass allocation in cogongrass, Imperata cylindrica Weed Technology 21: 812-819.


Bried, J. T. and G. N. Ervin.  2006.  Abundance patterns of dragonflies along a wetland buffer gradient. Wetlands 26: 878-883.​​​​​​​​​​​


Ervin, G. N., B. D. Herman, J. T. Bried, and D. C. Holly.  2006.  Evaluating non-native species and wetland indicator status as components of wetlands floristic assessment.  Wetlands 26: 1114-1129.


Ervin, G. N., L. C. Majure, and J. T. Bried.  2006.  Influence of long-term GTR impoundment on stand structure, species composition, and hydrophytic indicatorsJournal of the Torrey Botanical Society 113:468-481.


Ervin, G. N., M. Smothers, C. Holly, C. Anderson, and J. Linville.  2006.  Relative importance of wetland type vs. anthropogenic activities in determining site invasibility. Biological Invasions 8: 1425-1432.


Holly, D. C. and G. N. Ervin.  2006.  Characterization and quantitative assessment of rhizome penetration by cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica (L.) Beauv.). Weed Biology and Management 6: 120-123.


Bried, J. T.,, L. W. Bennett, and G. N. Ervin.  2005.  Live mass allometric analyses of adult dragonflies collected in east-central Mississippi, USA.  Odonatologica 34: 111-122.​​​​​​​​​​​


Bried, J. T. and G. N. Ervin.  2005.  Distribution of adult Odonata among localized wetlands in east-central Mississippi. Southeastern Naturalist 4: 731-744.


Ervin, G. N.  2005.  Spatio-temporally variable effects of a dominant macrophyte on vascular plant neighbors. Wetlands 25: 317-325.​​​​​​​​​​​


Bryant, J. A. and G. N. Ervin.  2004.  The impact of SWANCC on Federal Clean Water Act jurisdiction.  Real Estate Law Journal 32: 339-355.


Doan, A., G. N. Ervin, and G. W. Felton.  2004.  Temporal effects on jasmonate induction of anti-herbivore defense in Physalis angulata: seasonal and ontogenetic gradients.  Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 32:117-126.​​​​​​​​​​​


Ervin, G. N. and R. G. Wetzel.  2003.  An ecological perspective of allelochemical interference in land-water interface communities.  Plant and Soil 256: 13-28 (Invited review).


Karban, R., J. Maron, G. W. Felton, G. Ervin, and H. Eichenseer.  2003.  Herbivore damage to sagebrush induces resistance in wild tobacco: evidence for eavesdropping between plants.  Oikos 100: 325-333.​​​​​​​​​​​


Ervin, G. N. and R. G. Wetzel.  2002. Influence of a dominant macrophyte, Juncus effusus, on wetland plant species richness, diversity, and community composition.  Oecologia 130: 626-636.​​​​​​​​​​​


Ervin, G. N. and R. G. Wetzel.  2002.  Effects of sodium hypochlorite sterilization and dry cold storage on germination of Juncus effusus L. Wetlands 22: 191-195.


Musser, R. O., S. M. Hum-Musser, H. Eichenseer, M. Peiffer, G. Ervin, J. B. Murphy, and G. Felton. 2002. Herbivory: Caterpillar saliva beats plant defences.  Nature 416: 599 – 600.


Ervin, G. N. and R. G. Wetzel.  2001.  Seed fall and field germination of needlerush, Juncus effusus L.  Aquatic Botany 71: 233-237.


Ervin, G. N. and R. G. Wetzel.  2000.  Allelochemical autotoxicity in the emergent wetland macrophyte Juncus effusus (Juncaceae).  American Journal of Botany 87: 853-860.​​​​​​​​​​​


Ervin, G. N. and R. G. Wetzel.  1997.  Shoot:root dynamics during growth stages of the rush Juncus effusus L.  Aquatic Botany 59: 63-73. 





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